925 silver jewelry
925 Silver Jewelry – Why 925? Is it pure silver?
Company Israel Gifts It is actually a company for the development, production and wholesale marketing of 925 silver jewelry. Our story began in 2005 by 2 brothers with a passion and love for jewelry and Judaism.
Following this combination, we created a collaboration in the field of producing silver jewelry with Jewish symbols (Judaica jewelry), and marketing it throughout the country and around the world.
Over the years, we have created over 2000 different designs in the field of Judaica jewelry made of 925 silver.

Want a piece of pure silver jewelry! Is there such a thing?
We get many calls from customers asking: "Is this pure silver?" "Is this solid silver?"
So if you were mistaken in thinking that the silver jewelry you love to wear so much, or your luxurious and beloved kitchen utensils, are made of pure silver, allow us to prove you wrong.
The familiar silver metal you wear around your neck, hand, or finger is soft in its natural form, similar to 925 gold jewelry. Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to process it into jewelry or other silver products in this form.
To give it another property that it is not naturally blessed with: hardness, it must be mixed with other metals such as copper, zinc, or platinum. Such a mixture is known as an alloy. Usually, about 7.5% of another metal is added.
This is why our silver jewelry, and our silverware, is actually not pure silver. It's 92.5% silver.
In fact, it is possible to obtain 99.9% silver jewelry that is marked as 999. But the production is not common and is less shiny than 925 silver.

So what is silver? What is 925 silver jewelry or sterling silver?
Silver is a white metallic element, harder than gold, softer than copper. Represented on the periodic table of elements by the symbol Ag, silver is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.
Historically, silver has played a prominent role in the production of jewelry and art objects. Sterling silver or 925 silver is an alloy of silver with a purity of 92.5%, and 7.5% added metal.
That is, silver jewelry marked as 925 actually contains 92.5% silver by weight, and 7.5% other metals, usually copper.
The alloy is considered a prestigious silver alloy, commonly used in jewelry production.
The reason that additional metal is added to pure silver is that pure silver (999 silver) is not useful in making jewelry and tools, because it is too soft. Therefore, other metals are usually added to it to improve the strength of the metal.
In addition to copper, it is also common to use germanium, zinc, and platinum, in order to prevent corrosive effects, but as long as the weight of silver in the alloy is maintained, it is still considered sterling silver.
The importance of money:
Silver is relatively cheap today when compared to other precious metals like gold or platinum. This can tempt a person to believe that it is not a valuable metal.
This is a false assumption! At times throughout history, silver has been valued more than gold. When you look at the amounts of silver used in jewelry, its use exceeds all other precious metals by a large factor.
This versatile white metal has also sparked far more technological advances in mining and metallurgy than its other precious metal cousins.
Entire economies depended on its availability and access to silver deposits created wars and consequently history. Silver is undoubtedly one of the most important metals used by humanity.
To purchase stunning silver jewelry directly from the manufacturer at special sale prices – Click here!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Does real silver tarnish? How do you clean silver jewelry? What is 925 silver? How do you prevent jewelry from tarnishing?
It should be understood that the darkening of silver jewelry is a natural and normal process of this metal. If the jewelry were not darkening, then it might not have been made of silver. The darkening of silver results from the oxidation of the metal with air.
When does 925 silver jewelry turn black?
Indeed, silver tends to oxidize and darken in the following cases:
A. Upon contact with air (due to the natural moisture present in it) or upon contact with harsh substances such as chlorine, acids, sulfur, chlorine, and seawater, an oxidation process begins, which manifests itself in the blackening of the jewelry.
B. In contact with the body, especially in the summer when the humidity is high. Our body contains and emits sweat, moisture and acidity. Each at different levels. Therefore, the same piece of jewelry will darken on one person and not on another.
Can 925 silver jewelry come into contact with water?
You can shower with 925 silver jewelry. Water does not cause the jewelry to darken; on the contrary, it cleans and renews the silver (except for jewelry that incorporates special gemstones (turquoise, pearl, and obsidian) which lose their beauty and quality in contact with water).
That's why it's also recommended for women to bathe with jewelry on. Soap and water clean the surface, thus neutralizing the effects that cause darkening.
In addition, it is advisable not to store silver jewelry with other metals, but separately and in a closed place.
You can shower with silver jewelry. Water does not cause the jewelry to turn black; on the contrary, it cleans and renews the silver (except for jewelry that incorporates special gemstones (turquoise, pearl, and obsidian) which lose their beauty and quality in contact with water).
That's why it's also recommended to bathe with the jewelry. Soap and water clean the surface, thus neutralizing the effects that cause darkening.
In addition, it is advisable not to store silver jewelry with other metals, but separately and in a closed place.
For a complete article on how to clean silver jewelry and why silver turns black – Click here!
What is the price range for silver jewelry?
The price range is very wide!
The price, of course, depends on the country of manufacture, whether there is an inlay, size, weight, and more.
925 silver jewelry is available starting at just 19 NIS and up. Click here All 925 silver jewelry available in stock!
How is 925 silver jewelry made?
There are 3 main ways to make 925 silver jewelry:
1. Castings: The most popular method for commercial production of silver/gold jewelry. First, a wax model is prepared. 2 methods for making a wax model:
– Manually: By an artist who specializes in wax production. You usually come with a drawing/picture of the piece of jewelry you want to make and an explanation to the artist of how you want the finished piece of jewelry to look (including dimensions for each part). The artist prepares the wax.
2. Machine: Usually you come with a drawing/picture of the piece of jewelry you want to make. This is passed to a computer artist to prepare a CAD file of the finished piece of jewelry. This is passed to a 3D printer or wax lathe to create the finished wax.
Once we have perfect, smooth wax in the sizes we want, we move on to master production. Every piece of jewelry in casting needs a metal master from which we can make a rubber band for repeated, uniform production of many waxes.
It is necessary to send the wax and turn it into a metal master. When you receive the metal master, you can make a rubber band.
Wax is injected into the rubber band and essentially creates a wax "tree" from the model(s) you want to cast.

Once we have a beautiful tree ready, we put it in a sealed container and fill it with plaster. After the plaster hardens, we put it in the oven and actually burn the wax inside the plaster. This creates an empty space of “tree” – only without the wax.
After we have removed all the wax, we pour 925 silver into the cast cavity, wait for the silver to harden, and soak it to cool the silver. We break the cast and remove the 925 silver jewelry tree.
The next step is cutting the jewelry from the wood. Sanding the jewelry of unnecessary excess. Polishing. Inlaying and coating if necessary.
2. Handmade: The popular method for producing small quantities or a special ONE OF A KIND piece of jewelry. The production is literally by hand. By sawing and cutting thin plates of 925 silver. Bending and folding into shape. Soldering parts, and hand inlaying.
3. stamping: A method suitable for flat/thin and light jewelry. Usually used in the production of various earrings. Works by cutting to the shape of the jewelry. Preparing a "block" with the shape of the jewelry, and cutting thin plates of 925 silver to the desired shape.
Selected 925 silver jewelry collections:
– For the 925 silver jewelry collection (all silver jewelry) – Click here!
– For the 925 silver pendant collection (all pendants) – Click here!
– For the 925 silver ring collection (all rings) – Click here!
– For the 925 silver earrings collection (all earrings) – Click here!
– For the Opal Stone Jewelry Collection (all jewelry) – Click here!
– Studded Jewelry Collection (All Jewelry) – Click here!